Some broad beliefs I strive to live by:
Strong opinions, weakly held. Disagreement isn’t scary. Openness brings you closer to truth.
Theory and practice are mutually informative. Build both muscles.
What you do is who you are. Desire without action is meaningless. Values are revealed through real-life tradeoffs.
Privilege is de-risking. It affords the opportunity do the more authentic, exciting, or right thing, instead of the easy thing.
Play long games. Don’t chase hype. It takes years for good investments to pay off.
Tell the world what you want. The internet is a serendipity machine. Manifesting in public will make you luckier.
Do the dirty work. You’re never “too good” to be in the weeds.
If you wanted to, you would. Trust your gut. Find out what avoidance is trying to tell you.
Don’t half-ass. You’ll cap your floor but also your ceiling.
Relationships are everything.
Be the bigger person. It costs nothing to be the first to praise, thank, apologize, forgive.
All problems are soluble. (You just gotta believe this one.)